Weidert Group Logo

Welcome to Your Page!

We’ve set up this webpage to make it easy for you to access important information about our relationship, your Inbound Marketing Plan & Playbook, billing, HubSpot and many other topics.


The Weidert
Group Promise

Our promise to you is to do everything in our power to transform and profitably grow your business.

Your Team


Justin Harrison

Associate Creative Director

Justin shares responsibility for overseeing the design strategy and execution of all current accounts and the company’s business development efforts.

920-731-2771, ext. 236

view Justin's bio

Meg Hoppe

Meg Hoppe

VP, Creative & Operations

Meg oversees all content production, ensuring overall quality and alignment with clients’ brands.

920-731-2771, ext. 237

view Meg's bio


Stacy Bouchard

Senior Consultant

One of Stacy’s many strengths is her deep experience with manufacturing companies. This is very apparent to her clients, who value her knowledge of their challenges, vertical markets, distribution methods, sales structures, and operations.

920-731-2771, ext. 241

view Stacy's bio

Charles Greenley

Charles Greenley

Paid Media Specialist

Charles is interested in all aspects of content marketing, marketing automation, and paid search ad campaigns. Charles brings high-octane energy to the projects he works on, and always keeps the client in mind as their happiness and satisfaction is paramount.

920-731-2771, ext. 221

view Charles' bio


Hayden Fredriksen


As an Inbound Consultant, Hayden's focus is on strategizing and implementing inbound marketing plans for Weidert Clients. He comes to Weidert after years of B2B sales, where his commitment to customer service and solution-oriented mindset served him well.

920-731-2771, ext. 232

view Hayden's bio


Katy Compton

Inbound Marketing Specialist

Katy has a passion for awesome branding, creative storytelling, and engaging communication. She worked for over 12 years in the non-profit sector managing everything from social media to media relations, events to design.


view Katy's bio

The Client / Agency Relationship

I. How we operate

Weidert Group operates as an Agile organization, leveraging production sprints, Kanban boards and other processes that ensure optimum efficiency and quality.

Work we perform in fulfillment of inbound programs is generally executed during one of 52 1-week sprints (larger projects are spread out over two or more sprints). This focuses our efforts on the most important work “first.”

Learn more about Agile here.

The various tools used for inbound programs are incredibly robust and nuanced, integrating and automating all components of your program. As you learn the tools, you may be tempted to make “simple” changes – place a new image on a landing page template or making a quick update to paid ad copy, for example.

We recommend, though, that any changes to program deliverables be made by Weidert Group. Our familiarity with the tools has shown us over the years that even minor modifications to one discrete area within a tool can affect others, and has the potential to result in costly rework on our part (“fixing” a problem you may inadvertently set in motion). We ask that if you feel modifications need to be made, you chat with your Consultant first to understand the implications and who is best suited to make them.

II. How we work with you



Together, the client and Weidert Group are responsible for setting a realistic, achievable and effective inbound marketing strategy. The client must ensure that the strategy is designed to achieve specific goals by providing transparency into its business and performance.



Weidert Group is responsible for responding quickly to all client requests. The client is responsible for providing appropriate time to fulfill the request accurately and with quality.



All work done for the client must be reviewed by the client prior to publication. Both Weidert Group and the client must adhere to the timeline in order for the work to be completed on time (and on budget).



Like Reviews, approvals from the client must be provided on the dates identified in order for work to be completed according to schedule and budget.



We archive all client assets and work on our servers (which have redundant files in the cloud), though larger video files are kept on our servers for 1 year. After that, we’ll either put your video footage on a drive and turn over to you, or we can delete them.

III. How to get the most out of our relationship



Both the client and Weidert Group should make themselves available to one other, offering direct and honest feedback and engaging in discussions on an ongoing basis.

To help us improve our processes and provide the best experience for you, we'll send very brief satisfaction surveys after key milestones, such as the kickoff call, creation of the Inbound Plan & Playbook, and launch of a website project.



For both the client and Weidert Group to avoid the frustration and cost associated with rework, the approval process must be streamlined. The best way to do that is for the client to consolidate all feedback from their team before handing it to Weidert Group (that way, we’re only making one set of changes). This will speed completion and ensure that there are no budget overruns.


Changes to Planned Work

If a client asks us to incorporate additional tactics into the program, the budget must be reset. If these are unrelated to the ongoing program (if, for example, a client decides to do a new tradeshow booth), this will be estimated and a separate invoice submitted.

roadmapYour Marketing Plan & Playbook

Use your Inbound Marketing Plan & Playbook as a reference guide to remind you of the tactics being executed and the goals we’re aiming for.

Once your Plan & Playbook are complete and the program has launched, we’ll review performance each quarter and recommend changes in order to optimize effectiveness.

IV. Billing

Every client’s program cost is based on the points/price allocated to the specific tactics that make up your program. Requests outside the program occasionally crop up, and these require us to spend more time and effort on the client’s behalf. A fair percentage of these types of requests are accounted for in the program’s cost, but should they become excessive, we will ask to submit a separate invoice for the time spent.

We bill in one of two ways:


By program. Typically, you’re billed based on the deliverables agreed to in your Roadmap, split evenly over each month of the roadmap


Occasionally, though, unplanned projects pop up, and those we bill separately.

For large projects (like websites) we typically bill for progress or other arrangement made with the client. We sometimes find it efficient to “work ahead” on program components (writing March blogs in February, for example) and will discuss billing in these situations with you.


For billing inquiries:

Michelle Reindl

VP, Administration

920-731-2771, ext. 236

budgetHow Monthly Budgets May Flex

Your Marketing Proposal (and/or subsequent Roadmaps) outline a specific monthly budget. However, if you require additional support in upcoming months (or less), that budget will change.


  • Any work performed by Weidert Group remains the intellectual property of the Agency until it is paid for in full by the Client
  • Production timelines may vary due to many interdependent factors, including but not exclusive to delay of Client input and approvals at each stage of the development process
  • Client changes above and beyond stated scope during the development process could also delay timelines and will be subject to additional charges not outlined in this Agreement
  • Terms: 1% 10, net 30. Finance charges are 18% on an annual rate and 1.5% on a monthly rate on past due balances

V. Tools & Resources


We’re always happy to help you navigate HubSpot, and so is the HubSpot Support team. For basic HubSpot questions, that team can be reached at 1-888-HUB-SPOT option 3. This is a free resource for you.

For training on a specific tool or activity, feel free to contact your Weidert Group team for help; or, look at the dozens of topics covered in HubSpot’s Learning Center.

You can also find helpful resources on HubSpot’s Knowledge Base.

Metrics Reporting



  • We use Databox to gather a variety of data from a number of sources (primarily HubSpot & Google Analytics) and make it available in real-time dashboard views
  • These dashboards are then utilized to help automate some of the monthly and quarterly metrics reporting our team provides. We also supplement these reports with specific insights and data from different HubSpot dashboards


  • Lucky Orange is a tool that tracks visitors’ movements on your website. This tells us a great deal about what’s working (and what’s not) on your site, what’s of interest to different people, and where areas of improvement are.