The Potential and Power of Video in Industrial Marketing

Meg Hoppe
Posted by Meg Hoppe on October 2, 2024
Greg Linnemanstons and Meg Hoppe recording a podcast episode about video marketing for industrials

As someone who’s been a marketer for over 25 years, I remember the early days of video. It wasn’t unheard of to have a $60,000 budget for a 5-minute video, distributed on DVD, that could well wind up on someone’s desk unwatched and forgotten — a significant barrier to using video as an impactful tool for industrial marketers.

We’ve come a long way! Less spend. More value. Greater reach. Weidert Group president (and my husband) Greg Linnemanstons invited me to pull up a seat on The ChangeOver Podcast to talk about video marketing and how you can unlock the power and potential of this now-affordable asset.

Watch, listen, and read on for details (I’m really quite entertaining 😉).

Why video? Why now?

Thanks to smartphones, affordable editing tools, and social media, businesses of any size can create a video without breaking the bank and quickly distribute it worldwide with a few clicks on LinkedIn or YouTube. 

Video isn’t just important; it's absolutely crucial for your industrial marketing strategy.

Video is everywhere, but it’s not random. Strategic use of video marketing gives you credibility because it’s engaging, educational, and fast. Essentially, video cuts to the chase when it comes to responding to the needs of prospects and customers. 

Video is also valuable — conversion rates on landing pages that include video are 80% higher than those without video

Sure, racking up views feels good, but here's what really matters when it comes to video success for industrial companies:

  • More reach on social platforms (especially LinkedIn, where video is quickly taking over feeds)
  • Improved understanding of your brand and products, and greater reliance on your authentic voice of authority
  • Shorter sales cycles as prospects get their questions answered faster

You Have More to Say Than You May Think

Industrial marketers may face the “What do we talk about?” obstacle when considering video. Converting existing content to a video format can be a value-add because it’s educational and authentic, but that’s a starting point and not the entire strategy.

97% of marketers say video gives their viewers a better understanding of the brand.

Think about the things that build brand awareness. How can video get prospects and customers up to speed on your company, products, and services quickly? Film it! Here are some prime examples:

  • Facility tours give customers and prospects a virtual glimpse inside your facility, opportunities to introduce team members, and a feel for your culture — a virtual tour also helps you overcome the obstacle of time- and cost-inefficient on-site tours 
  • Engineer interviews or explainer videos break down key concepts and complex information with ease because there’s no wading through highly technical and often confusing information. A conversation is authentic and more easily digestible.
  • Customer testimonials are persuasive because they provide peer perspectives of your company that customers and prospects weigh as very credible
  • Product comparisons that showcase your offerings vs. others provides necessary info in a condensed and highly visual format
  • "About Us" videos authentically convey how your company lives its mission and values

Related: Shoot for These B2B Industrial Video Marketing Opportunities

Don’t Let Perfectionism Deter You

Videos don’t have to be high-production value events to be effective. While more polished videos are sometimes appropriate, more often than not a smartphone video that’s in the moment and offers real talk does the trick.

Honestly, your video doesn’t have to be perfect or fancy. Don't let the desire for perfection get in the way; if you're hitting on a topic that's important to your customer, just start! Use these tips as a guide for creating compelling content:

  1. Focus on providing value by answering questions, clarifying complexities, and showcasing your company’s responsiveness and expertise.
  2. Keep it short and sweet: Aim for under a minute for best engagement.
  3. Repurpose existing content: Think creatively — maybe turn that tip sheet into a how-to video!
  4. Optimize for search: Videos are entertaining and educational, but don’t forget their SEO value. Strategic SEO decisions like titles, captions, and descriptions can increase reach and impact.

Press Record

I get it. Stepping in front of a camera can be a little intimidating. But the benefits of video marketing outweigh all the potential hesitations.

Here's the truth: your customers and prospects want to see the authentic you — the collection of individuals behind your brand. They want to hear from your passionate engineers and team members, learn about your company from real-life customer stories, see your impressive facilities, and understand how your products solve their problems.

So, my final piece of advice? Start small, focus on providing value, and remember – you have more interesting things to say than you realize. Your audience wants to connect through video, so add it to your marketing mix or amplify your current efforts! It’s time to press record.

Check out the full episode of The ChangeOver Podcast at (or subscribe on your favorite audio platform) for more video marketing details and a free-flowing conversation that will have you rethinking the power of video.

Topics: Video Marketing, Podcast

33 types of marketing and sales videos guide