Select the Right HubSpot Partner Agency: 6 Must-Haves to Find Your Best Fit
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When HubSpot’s partner program was in its infancy (launched in 2010), it was challenging for a customer to find a qualified, compatible HubSpot partner agency. Certified partner agencies were scarce, so it was difficult to select one that perfectly aligned with a business’s specific needs and nuances of their industry.
Fast forward to today. HubSpot has grown dramatically, and the HubSpot Solutions Partner Program includes thousands of worthy agency partners. So, if you're a new HubSpot customer, or considering becoming one, you should have no concern with finding a qualified partner that appropriately fits you, your organization, and the challenges and requirements you have.
What factors matter most when selecting a HubSpot partner agency?
There are myriad growth marketing agency capabilities that serve as viable measures of partnership potential. However, within the context of HubSpot partner agency, there are additional must-have factors that define and distinguish true contenders.
This sounds like a no-brainer (and it is), yet it shouldn’t be overlooked. Partnering with an expert is a smart business move, especially when HubSpot’s partner directory makes solid choices readily accessible (including Weidert Group, found here).
Start your evaluation by looking at certifications offered by HubSpot. Expect your agency to be certified top to bottom, which reflects their ability to offer:
- Depth and breadth of knowledge necessary to do great work
- A full commitment to HubSpot as their primary platform
HubSpot is also in the process of implementing Accreditations for partners who demonstrate proven expertise and client successes in areas of platform onboarding, integrations, and more. Expect these to be an additional layer of criteria in the near future.
Related: What is a Growth Marketing Agency & Why You Should Consider One
When agencies pitch new business, their business development team usually takes the lead. Instead of confusing prospects about who they’ll actually be working with (as a client), agencies should introduce the actual team you'll be working with. Then, you can make that team part of your evaluation.
Look at the people on your agency team — the client services pros, the writer, the web developer, the paid media specialist — as you would a candidate for employment. Their resumes and experiences should be relevant to your business. Don't be shy about scheduling interviews to assess skills, experiences, style, and fit with you and your business. After all, you'll be working closely with these people and depending on them for a lot.
Take a look at how the agency presents their team and the team's capabilities on their website, too.
3. In-person VS. VIRTUAL TEAM
You're likely looking to hire an agency that fully uses its capabilities to solve your company's challenges. To do that effectively, the agency may require a balance of in-person and virtual team members. Remote, full-time employees should have the skills to deep-dive into clients’ needs, goals, and industries as well as in-house staff.
What prior experiences do you have working with virtual organizations? Does it make a difference when the agency team regularly connects face-to-face (and allow you to do the same)? Whichever suits you best, this is a variable you may want to clarify; your decision can affect the speed and clarity a team can deliver.
As service providers, great agencies invest in their processes so they can deliver incredible results with speed and efficiency. Ask them about the processes that support the services they'll be providing to you, and look for anything that feels too much like a one-off for you.
The HubSpot partner agency you hire has to create and execute a marketing plan based on previously successful processes (see below for advice on evaluating successful projects).
Selecting an agency partner should be a well-thought-out and complex process. After all, you’re forging one of the most important relationships in your business’s history.
That’s why fully vetting your options is vital. A well-informed decision will pay a business back tenfold. Anything less could be costly. It’s critical that you know where you stand at all times, including during the vetting process.
An agency’s transparency during your search says a lot about what the future holds. For instance, are they:
- Open about sharing past results (and the details of those projects)? Case studies are one way, of course, but some lack the depth you need to really understand the situation, challenge, and solution. How does the agency respond to additional questions? A deep examination of results should be welcome.
- Able to readily provide client references? At the right point of the vetting process, usually after the proposal stage, asking to talk to real people with real experience with the agency can uncover findings that get you closest to the truth.
- Demonstrating rigor in their new business process? Are they going far enough to truly understand you, your aspirations, and your industry? You should feel thoroughly interrogated, which is mutually beneficial to determine the right fit.
6. FOCUS On your vertical/industry
You wouldn’t ask or trust a car repair shop to work on your Tesla Model 3 if they weren't certified by Tesla and experienced in the same. Knowing that the agency has previously succeeded for others in your world provides confidence that they’ll do great things for you.
Also keep in mind that there's an enormous difference between having experience in your industry and being focused on it. A firm with a dedicated intent to serve your industry as part of their strategic direction is more likely to move fast — and with an earned confidence — to recommend the best course of action to address your goals and challenges. They'll also be a capable partner that understands the forces driving change and disruption to help you anticipate and plan accordingly.
Finding the Right Partner
In 2024, anyone promising that inbound marketing on its own is the complete answer to all marketing challenges should raise a red flag. Yes, the strategic combination of compelling content, SEO insight, paid ads, and wise use of AI all contribute to inbound’s success, but there’s much more to successful marketing.
There are thousands of HubSpot solutions partners to choose from, and your journey should be a thoughtful and deliberate process. We hope these 5 must-haves help you select the right one for you.
Getting started with inbound marketing can be intimidating. Learn about the skills required of your team and what to expect on your journey to better growth. Review our free resource: How to Start an Inbound Marketing Program
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