Multiple Blogs On Your Company Website: Does it Hurt or Help SEO?
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Did you ever notice that some companies have more than one blog? If you did, you probably wondered why. I’s hard enough keeping one stocked with good content. But two? Or three?
Well, there’s a method behind this particular madness, and it has to do primarily with satisfying your audiences’ needs.
Reasons for Having Multiple Blogs
There are times when it makes good business sense to publish two or more blogs rather than just one. It makes sense to maintain two blogs, for example, if you utilize one to feature company news (new hires, events, announcements, etc.) and the other for more educational content — content that presents solutions to common problems, that can help your audience make decisions, and that keeps them up to date with useful insights.
Here are some additional reasons to establish multiple blogs:
- To nurture different prospect personas. If you make distinct products or offer specific services for very different audiences, you may want to have blogs for each of them so that the content on each is more targeted. For example, if you sell commercial ingredients to both food manufacturers and beverage manufacturers, you might want a blog dedicated to the needs, challenges, and solutions of each. There may be a bit of overlap in these audiences, but by creating more targeted areas of publication you can speak directly to each audience and get them to convert into qualified leads. HubSpot publishes blogs for marketers, sales people, customer support teams, web developers, and agencies. Because they’re speaking to each audience directly, HubSpot is more likely to turn up in those prospects’ search results, which translates to more traffic, subscribers, and qualified leads. Similarly, you might want a separate blog for each industry you serve.
- You might also want separate blogs for your different locations if you want to attract and convert people in those locations. For example, if you’re an apartment construction and management company with communities in multiple cities, you want to be found by people looking for housing in a specific city. Distinct blogs that use locale-focused keywords and information will do better than if all the company’s posts were on a single blog. In other words, Google will see a blog featuring only information related to Tulsa as very relevant to a searcher using “apartments in Tulsa” as their search term, while it will see one blog with multiple city names as less specific to that same search.
- Similarly, if you have multiple divisions of the company, all of them may warrant their own blog so that you can avoid diluting the messages unique to each division.
- You might also want to delineate by topic categories, with a blog for Culture, one for FAQs, and one specific to your different vertical markets. This is yet another way to make it simple for people to choose the information they’re most interested in (and skip past what doesn’t relate to them).
RELATED: 8 Ways to Generate Killer Manufacturing Blog Content Ideas
In most cases, additional blogs — if those blogs’ keywords are tailored to the audience and its needs — will help your SEO efforts. Because you’re not writing about “everything,” search engines will attribute greater credibility to the content featured on those sites and your rank in related searches will be higher.
Before you decide that managing multiple blogs is the route you want to take, though, it’s important that you’re able to share plenty of content on each. If you only have a few posts for one of your vertical market blogs and lots for others, or if you publish very infrequently on some versus others, it will appear that you’re not terribly proficient (or interested) in serving that vertical.
WATCH: How Often Should My Company Be Blogging? (Video)
Types of B2B Blogs To Consider
Here are a few examples of the types of blogs you might want to consider creating:
News blog. A news blog allows you to share news with supporters who want to see our company thrive, without annoying your regular blog readers who are looking for information relevant to their needs. Because it’s a blog, you can set up email notifications that automatically go out to subscribers, and it's also easy to publish rapidly and regularly. This is particularly useful for large companies to make sure everyone knows about employee promotions or announcements of new customers.
Culture blog. A blog all about your culture allows you to easily engage with potential job candidates and enhance your image as a people-focused employer. Many companies today, in part because of a tight labor market, have a video or two on their sites describing their culture, but what it takes to really stand out from the crowd is regular, consistent messaging to those looking for a job. Use a culture blog to talk about company events, community initiatives, details about open positions, updates related to new equipment or benefits, and more.
FAQ blog. Sometimes you have valuable content about your product or service that doesn’t really fit into your main blog; this can be placed in a separate Frequently Asked Questions blog. Users of your product might subscribe to this blog to get “how-to” information; for an equipment manufacturer, it might be how to set up new programs on your instrument panel or troubleshoot a valve. To keep this type of blog full of good content, tap into your service reps – they’ll be able to provide a list of commonly asked questions that you can then answer in posts.
Another advantage of an FAQ blog is that it can help identify areas where your customers are having problems with your product or service. Once identified, you can address these in your manual, or in a future product update.
Pro Tip: With HubSpot’s Service Hub, you can set these FAQs up in a Knowledge Base for even better UX and customer experience in addition to the SEO benefits.
Internal company blog. The main difference between an internal blog and a news blog is the audience. While the news blog is aimed at anyone interested in your company, an internal blog is only for your employees – basically, you’d be creating a portal or an area on your intranet where employees know to go for the latest company news, announcements, and information. While it’s mainly a one-direction communication, you can also open it up for employee feedback via comments to generate more engagement.
Thinking your body of content might make multiple blogs a good idea? Proceed with this warning: There is such a thing as creating too many blogs! Don’t set out on this adventure if you already have trouble publishing regularly on just one. Only if you’re a pro at stocking your current blog with great content should you consider managing more.
Finally, a matter of logistics. If you’re on HubSpot you’re lucky because it offers built-in capabilities for multiple blogs on one site. WordPress, on the other hand, does not.
Want to know more about blogging – how to do it, why to do it, and how to ensure that it leads to more leads and customers? Download our B2B Business Builder’s Guide to Blogging now.
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