In Defense of Nothing

I was sitting here at my desk (teeth gnashing, perspiration beading), trying to conjure up a decent blog, when what to my wondering eyes should appear but a twitter from someone I follow. He asked us, "What should I blog about today?"

So, it's not just me!

And then it came to me like a religious epiphany (I've never had one, but I've heard): if you don't have anything insightful or amusing or provocative to say, don't feel obligated to share. It's probably not your best work – after all, if you weren't excited about it, your audience probably won't be, either.

Give us a useful quote from a famous dead person, instead. Or a recipe or a one-liner or just write "I have nothing to say today." We each have only so much to say on a given day (some less than other, thankfully).

So, for this blog, a quote I recite to myself occasionally while driving on Hwy 41: "The meek shall inherit what's left."

And with that, my blog for today is mercifully finished.

About the Author - Weidert Group Staff Content for the Whole Brain Marketing Blog is produced and published by the Weidert Group staff. Our goal is to provide helpful and informative marketing advice for your use and interest. Please contact us at