In Defense of Nothing
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I was sitting here at my desk (teeth gnashing, perspiration beading), trying to conjure up a decent blog, when what to my wondering eyes should appear but a twitter from someone I follow. He asked us, "What should I blog about today?"
So, it's not just me!
And then it came to me like a religious epiphany (I've never had one, but I've heard): if you don't have anything insightful or amusing or provocative to say, don't feel obligated to share. It's probably not your best work – after all, if you weren't excited about it, your audience probably won't be, either.
Give us a useful quote from a famous dead person, instead. Or a recipe or a one-liner or just write "I have nothing to say today." We each have only so much to say on a given day (some less than other, thankfully).
So, for this blog, a quote I recite to myself occasionally while driving on Hwy 41: "The meek shall inherit what's left."
And with that, my blog for today is mercifully finished.
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