ESOP Partners:
Website Strategy/SEO
ESOP Partners, a financial services company focused on the planning, implementation, and administration of employee stock ownership plans, came to Weidert Group for help realigning website assets to performance needs.
The client team collaborated with Weidert Group on a comprehensive website redesign incorporating SEO and website architecture strategies to improve the website’s user experience, match the buyer’s journey and search intent, and build organic traffic to generate qualified leads.

The Problem
The Goals
The client wanted a website that ultimately aligned with their performance needs.
Primary objectives included:
- Generating more and better leads
- Increasing visibility and engagement services, particularly feasibility studies
The Solution

Weidert Group undertook a multi-tiered approach to building a strategic infrastructure of SEO and site architecture to support a comprehensive, goal-focused website redesign.
In collaboration with the client, Weidert Group:
- Performed market research to understand the expectations of prospects and clients
- Conducted keyword research to understand how and why people were searching for information on ESOPs
- Repositioned and renamed product offerings to incorporate market and keyword research findings and leverage search intent signals
- Designed the website architecture to drive organic traffic, and provide more relevant conversion opportunities throughout the buyer’s journey
- Modernized the client’s brand style and voice to make information and services more approachable
The Results
The new website:
- Increased average monthly MQLs by 312.5% based on comparison of pre-website (January-April 2023) and post-website (January-April 2024) launch data
- Increased average monthly SQLs by 983.3% based on pre-website (January-April 2023) and post-website (January-April 2024) launch data
- Generated 55% more consulting engagements over a 10-month period, exceeding the client’s initial goal of 20% over the same time